Software and System Development

Software and System Development

Uteam is a well experienced company that specializes in software development, personally customized supporting systems and current and advanced development technologies. Uteam provides software application solutions to varied sectors in the market.

Development projects include planning and implementation of many types of systems: characterization and UI design for mobile, desktop, web and proof of concept testing demos. In order to measure business preparedness or ahead of recruiting investors, user layer development in web environment and include quality assurance and Information security.

Agile Software Development is usually based on an approach that allows efficient and rapid development. In this approach we divide the project in to sprint stages, define each stage including characterization, design, programming and system inspections.

In the project management an emphasis is put on the information flow between the project partners, schedule and resources planning for each stage, project progress supervision, customer participated internal and external status meetings, recognition and risk analysis, specialist inclusion appropriately in order to meet project requirements in the highest standards.